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Special Membership Offer: Join Our Surfrider Chapter Today!

Would you like to become a member or donate to our chapter? 

There are two awesome options for you.  And both will help the Surfrider Foundation and especially the New Hampshire Chapter continue the mission to "Protect our Ocean, Waves and Beaches for all to enjoy."

Option 1:

  • The Traditional Join
    • This is the basic plan where you will receive and annual membership.  You pick any amount to donate (join), fill in your information and you are done. 
    • You have the option for a one time donation or monthly. It is up to you and any amount will help.  You will also receive a really cool stainless steel Surfrider Foundation 40th Anniversary cup.
    • You can find the membership donation link at: Basic Membership
  •  The Membership Bundle
    • A 1- year membership for $60.00.  
    • You also receive
      • A limited edition Surfrider Chapter T-shirt (it is black and super cool)
      • A limited edition Surfrider Chapter Sticker
      • A membership decal to proudly display your support
      • A digital subscription of Surfrider’s bi-monthly newsletter, Making Waves
      • Bi-annual printed publication, The Drop
    • You can find the membership bundles for Men and Women at: