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Meet The Team

Executive Committee Members


A group of volunteer pirates steering the ship in what is often uncharted waters all in the name of preserving our beaches, ocean and environment. 

Ryan Suplee - Vice Chair

Who am I:  Volunteer Chair for Surfrider Foundation New Hampshire Chapter 
From: Living just across the Pescataqua River in Kittery, ME.  
When: I've been involved with Surfrider New Hampshire chapter for about 4 years. First few years as the Secretary and more recently the newly elected chair.
Why The Surfrider Foundation?  I joined originally to meet like-minded people who cared about our oceans and environment and the motivation to make change for the better.  I've grown to love the organization more than expected and the people who are a part of it that have and will grow into life long friends.
What are my other interests?  Anything related to the element of water or outdoor activities. Surfing, diving, fishing, sailing, snowboarding, wakeboarding and anything else that keeps me active in the fresh.
Surfrider 2021 Passions: Ocean Friendly Restaurants.  Helping more restaurants reduce their overall carbon footprint and plastic mitigation

Chris Grippo - Chair

Who am I:  I ask this question of myself everyday.  Chris Grippo, Vice Chairperson for Surfrider Foundation New Hampshire Chapter
Where am I from?:  Planet Earth, United States East Coast, New England and more specifically Hampton, New Hampshire.  
When:  Involved with the New Hampshire chapter for over 3 years. First just as a community member and then moved into a variety of chapter programs and now helping keep the NH ship running straight and true.  I guess I wanted to get comfortable with the charts, get my hands on the helm and take on more of a challenge.
Why The Surfrider Foundation?  Why not!!  All kidding aside; The Surfrider Foundation's mission which is to protect the world's ocean, waves and beaches for all we can all enjoy this Big Blue Marble is something that really resonates with me and lives at my core. 
What are my other interests?  Well of course surfing, but also windsurfing and skiing. Sort of a fun fact I was a former competitor in windsurfing that took me to many places around the world thanx to my main sponsor "Mom & Dad Inc" ( LOL) and a few other small ones who helped me along the way. I am a big fan of geography, cultures, and history.  
Favorite Quotes:  "Aut viam Inveniam aut faciam", "Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do", "The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall".  I have a bunch more, but these are three that I always remember. 

Eric Petersen - Treasurer

Who am I: Treasurer for our chapter, and trying to stay as involved as I can with Blue Water Task Force.

Where am I from: I’m a New Hampshire transplant, previously living all over the thing – FL -> MD -> FL -> TN -> FL -> MS -> CA -> NY -> GA -> NY -> NH, with some time for work around Asia. I grew up in south Florida, so I suppose that would be where I’m “from.”

Why Surfrider: I grew up living on the beach, and after years of transient living, I am happy to be settled near the coast, and am excited to get, and stay, involved.

Any other interests: I like open water swimming when the water is not cold enough to kill me. Fly-fishing very poorly. I also fly and instruct in small airplanes. It passes the time.


Shayna Nestor - Secretary & Rise Above Plastics Lead

What’s your position? 
Secretary and RAP lead
Interests outside of Surfrider?
Surfing and knitting are the two things I always want to be doing, but occasionally I'll switch it up with some hiking, rock climbing, reading, or baking.
Where are you living (or hometown and where you are now)? 
Originally from NJ, but have spent most of my New England years in Massachusetts before making my way to NH.
How long have you been a Surfrider member?
I became a member of the MA chapter of Surfrider in 2020 and then joined NH chapter when I moved across the border.
Why do you volunteer/ want to be involved?
The ocean is the love of my life, and Surfrider's dedication to its protection through community and activism is incredibly inspiring and energizing.
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Dean Hager - Volunteer Coordinator

 Profile is TBD....Waiting on all the good deets from Deano
Dean Hager Profile Foto

John Kollmorgen - Ocean Friend Restaurants (OFR) Coordinator

A resident of North Hampton, NH who aside from a handful of years in the Finger Lakes region of NY has never lived more than a few miles from the ocean along the East Coast.  I originally became involved with Surfrider by donating through the national chapter, but became involved with the New Hampshire chapter a few years ago by joining beach clean ups and  collecting water samples for water quality testing.  As the OFR lead I have been working with various local eateries to recognize the excellent environmental work that many of them are doing with the hopes of influencing other area restaurants to make the changes necessary to join the program.  Being a teacher by profession allows me the schedule to spend a lot of time in our ocean and in the Lakes Region enjoying various water sports and I never take for granted how fortunate we are to have these resources and how important it is to protect them the best we can.

Kelsey Sullivan - Campaigns Coordinator

What’s your position? 

Campaigns Coordinator

Interests outside of Surfrider?

I love surfing and hiking in New Hampshire and Maine. I also dabble in rock climbing, sea kayaking, and cross-country skiing. When indoors I like to read and make noises on the guitar. 

Where are you living (or hometown and where you are now)? 

Originally from Connecticut but I now live in Dover, NH.  

How long have you been a Surfrider member?

I have been a member of the New Hampshire chapter since 2021.

Why do you volunteer/ want to be involved?

I have volunteered with several environmental organizations, but I think that Surfrider is special because it is genuinely fun! We are motivated by the joy and energy that the ocean gives us. I believe that kind of positive motivation is the best way to fight for change

Kelsey Bio Pic