In a recent election Articles 18 and 19 would have made certain areas around Jenness Beach Precinct permit-parking only, making them inaccessible for non-residents wanting to go to the beach at the north end of Jenness Beach. 18. Rye permit parking only on Locke Rd. (East of Ocean Blvd.) 19. Rye permit parking only on Old Beach Road (Straw's Point Access) on a Year Round Basis. These two resident-petitioned warrant articles were discussed at the February Deliberative Session. Resident (and surfer) and SF representative, Steve Hillman, spoke out against them citing public access/Public Trust Doctrine issues and stated that Surfrider Foundation would be backing efforts to oppose the articles. Articles 18 and 19 were changed at the Deliberative Session to state that the town would vote to 'Investigate/Study Changes' to the Locke Rd and Old Beach Rd. parking ordinances. (original warrant was for a Yes or No vote to change the ordinance) Steve Hillman designed and purchased signs to display around the town of Rye. The NH Chapter helped Steve pay for the signs and promoted the 'No' vote for these articles on Facebook and to their email contacts list. On March 13, Rye residents voted against Article 18 by a count of 712 to 627 and against Article 19 by 766 to 581.